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2013 Christmas Babies.

2013 Christmas Babies.

7 Years

7 years ago today, I was getting ready to get married. 1 year ago, I was reeling from devastating information my husband had told me and moving out to my Dad’s house. On November 1st I was divorced. 2012 was not my best year. However, I got through it with the help of my amazing family, of whom I am eternally grateful for.

Happy 1st Birthday Lukesie!


Happy 1st Birthday Laurin!


Catch Up

What’s been up since July 30?  (Holy cow! July 30th).  Well, not a lot. I went back to work at the end of October.  It was time.  But before I got to grace my coworkers with my presence, I had jury duty.  Which was, shall we say, interesting.  I learned some stuff.  Mostly that I’d rather never be in a courtroom or on a jury again.  But I think  I knew that before I went there. Other than that it’s  just been hanging out.  Got to visit my BFF Jolene in September.   Though we only live about 2 hours apart, we never, ever see each other. So it was awesome to spend the day with her as she had to send her sweet daughter Jadyn off to kindergarten.  I also hang out with the family when I can. Seems like somebody is always busy and can’t get together.  I miss getting together with my family on a regular basis.  And oh yeah!  Big news!  I was in a flash mob about a week or two ago.  It was awesome and something I never imagined doing.  It was for our shool music director who is retiring after 35ish years teaching, so it was her last Christmas and her daughter lined up a flash mob of her old students, teachers, friends.  It was great fun. 

     Lastly, the kids just keep getting bigger.  Kate is 2 1/2 now and cuter than ever, smart as a whip, and can test my patience to it’s limits. Let’s just say that what keeps her halo up are her horns :).  Which I’ve been told is classic two year old behavior.  I hope so. 

     Luke will be 6 (!) months old on Jan. 10th.  Holy smokes!  Where does that time go to?  He still has his fussy times. But also smiles a lot and it melts my heart.  He doesn’t roll yet, and of course I worry. But he will roll to his side and just stay there.  He’s happy just on his side.  And I’ve been told not to worry. Every baby is different.  But you know how it is.  Gotta worry about some thing.  We haven’t started any foods at all with him yet, and plan to wait until after his 6 month well child check to do so.  I’m considering Baby Led Weaning. But don’t know too much about it.  If any one know anything about this.  Give me a holler. 

Some pictures….mostly stolen from my sisters….thanks Erin and April!

For Auntie April

RIP Zak…2/2000-7/2011

I’ll miss your affection, your loud purr and when you sleep on my head.  I love you Zak.  Sleep tight. 

For Auntie Erin

Luke Michael Thomas

Born July 10th (on his Auntie Erin’s birthday!) at 4:15 AM. 5 lbs 13 ounces,
17 inches long.


Today I am 24 weeks pregnant. Officially the baby is considered ” viable”. Meaning that he would have somewhere around a 50% chance of survival if he were born now. A good place to be. Not that I want him to come any time soon.
In other news, this baby is a wild one. He likes to punch. And Kate is still insistent that she is having a sister. Go figure. It’s going to be fun!